Sarah Kastner/VDE
2024-10-01 VDE dialog

Not always soldering!

Marleen Stollberg, 18 years, school graduate

Marleen Stollberg can hardly wait to get started. For the high school graduate, it’s clear that she will study mathematics. The subject and its science inspire and fascinate her – and it can’t be hard enough for her. “I just love the intellectual challenge.” But the 18-year-old is still holding back a little and is doing a voluntary year of social work in France between finishing school and starting university. “I would like to go to university straight away, but a few months abroad will most certainly do me good – and it will never be as easy as it is now.” As a math ace, Marleen is talented and interested in science and technology – but she doesn’t have a particularly nuanced view of electrical engineering and its possibilities

Like many children and young people, she thinks of electrical engineers as people who are “always soldering”. This is largely due to the absence of the subject in school lessons. She joined the advisory board for the VDE dialog young talent edition through her classmate Caroline Schalk. Marleen didn’t expect much from the workshop at first, but was surprised by “how much we managed to do in such a short time” and is looking forward to the result, which will enable her to present electrical engineering in a “better and more target group-oriented” way than is usually the case – and perhaps even get one or two people interested in electrical engineering. However, she definitely excludes herself: “I’m studying math, that’s for sure!”

VDE dialog - the technology magazine