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Sarah Kastner / VDE
2024-10-01 VDE dialog

Editorial: "It’s time we had our say!"

VDE dialog has often reported on the lack of young talents in electrical engineering and information technology. But most of the discussions were about us, rather than with us! This time it’s different. We, an editorial advisory board of eight school and university students, took over not just this editorial, but the entire issue.

We were involved at every stage of the magazine’s production – from conception to the review of the finished texts (read more about us and the creation of this issue on p. 28). However, we hope that our issue will not only inspire potential newcomers, but also regular readers of VDE dialog. Perhaps one or two of you will even pass the magazine on to young people in your family or circle of friends and acquaintances once you have finished reading it.

In contrast to previous editions, this time we don’t want to complain that too few young people are interested in studying electrical engineering and that the shortage of skilled workers is getting worse. Instead, we want to dispel prejudices and reservations and show what the subject is all about and why it is worth studying.

Because we are certain we’re not the only ones who are passionate about technology; many other children and young people are also interested in these topics. It won’t take much to inspire them too. Unfortunately, this interest is often not encouraged at school or at home. That definitely needs to change.

Perhaps this edition of VDE dialog, with its focus on young talents, can contribute to this. What do you think? Did you like the magazine? What was surprising and new? What could we have done better and what did we forget? We look forward to receiving your e-mail at!

The editorial advisory board

(f.l.t.r.: Marleen Stollberg, Tomo Clement, Elias Biehl, Ahmed El Amroui, Jonas Pohlmann, Caroline Schalk, Linus Musekamp, Sophie Gastinger)

VDE dialog - the technology magazine