At the VDE Testing and Certification Institute, we have been gathering experience with intelligent home networking for over a decade. Our experts have been actively involved in setting requirements for smart systems so that they are secure for consumers. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is now posing a new challenge. Regardless of whether our attitude towards AI is positive or negative, we are barely able to control its influence in our everyday lives and even less able to prevent it. There is hardly any area where AI is not yet being used and proving its benefits. Manufacturers of household appliances have also long since turned AI into a trend. Our testers at the VDE Institute will be keeping a close eye on whether these developments ultimately deliver on their promises of making everyday life easier or reducing energy consumption.
A technology that reaches into so many areas of life must be absolutely secure. We at VDE have been committed to this security for over a century. And we will continue to stay abreast of new developments, helping shape and test them, so that consumers can use secure products and manufacturers who attach great importance to the safety and security of their devices and systems can use VDE certification to highlight this in a competitive environment.
You can read more about this topic in this issue of VDE dialog. I hope you find it an interesting and informative read.
Yours truly,
Sven Öhrke, Member of the Management Board of the VDE Testing and Certification Institute and Managing Director of VDE Global Services